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And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Salmon is also an excellent source of protein. A three-ounce cooked serving contains 20 grams-making it ideal for building muscle and trimming fat. Besides helping stimulate your metabolism three to four times more than carbs or fat, protein is the absolute best food for helping fill you up, so you take in fewer calories and burn more. And that's what being a fit food is all about.
Courtesy: mensfitness.comCourtesy: menshealth.com
1. Skimmed Milk - Milk actually hydrates better than Gatorade, says Clark. Its sodium content is in the optimal range and is slightly higher than the Gatorade. The fat in milk can delay absorption, so reach for low-fat or skim for faster fluid replacement. Or have chocolate milk instead: this lunchbow favourite has been shown to speed recovery from a hard workout as well as sports drinks with its effective combination of protein, carbs, sodium and anti-oxidants.
2. V8 - V8 is a perfect marriage of sodium, calories and carbs to hydrate endurance athletes mid-workout. Clark recommends anyone doing a lot of sweaty exercise, such as marathon training or 4 hours plus bike rides, get at least 500 milligrams of sodium per hour. This juice has almost that much in 8 ounces. Not keen on liquid vegetables? Try Gatorade Endurance for a similar formula.
3. Chicken Noodle Soup - Mom's flu-fighting formula can seriously hydrate you when you need it. Each cup has 840 milligrams of sodium to help you retain the broth, and 14 grams of carbohydrate to absorb it. Take a thermos of this comfort food favourite on a cold-weather bike or board ride.
4. Watermelon - If it came with an ingredients panel, the first one would be water (hence the name). In fact, most of it- a whopping 92 percent(!) is H20. And post-run, a big, juicy wedge can hit a sweet spot that its liquid counterparts will never touch with 12 grams of carbs per cup to help your body absorb all that water, and 173 milligrams of potassium, which works with sodium to keep your body hydrated. If you're not big on melons, try grapefruit or an orange.
5. Popsicle - Nothing makes you feel like a kid again quite like a popsicle after a game of catch during breaktimes. it will refill your fluids (melt it in a bowl if you're skepticle), cool you down after a mad dunk, and boost your energy (thanks to the carbs) in time for the second half.
6. Salad - If you just can't make yourself down a Naglene of water, order a salad for your next meal. Lettuce is 90 percent wet stuff. Not big on the grren stuff either? Go ahead and order some rabbit-food flavours (in-fact, protein is good after your workout), just be sure to eat what's below the carnivorous bits too!
7. Rice - Chinese cuisine may not exactly be considered health food, but if you're a fan, broccoli beef is acceptable on occasion after a good, hard workout. Super- absorbent riceacts as a vehicle for the majority of the water it was cooked in to help you replenish fluids and the carbs will help your body mop them on. Plus, seasonings traditionally used in Chinese cooking gives you plenty of salt to hang on to all the water in the rice. For a healthier version at home, saute` a variety of vegetables in olive oil and put some rice in the cooker.
8. Soda - Yep you read that right. Clark says that the caffeine, sugar and water combo can make a great post-exercise slug if it's your beverage of choice. It doesn't make a difference if you crack open a diet or a regular. But add some salty pretzels to help your body hold on to the fluid.
9. Ice cream - Stop and get yourself a post-workout cup of Phish Food on your way home from the gym. Ideally, you'll choose the light version, but in a moment of weakness, you'll still be hydrating with that frozen fluid. We'll take Ben & Jerry's over a bottle of Dasani any day. Just keep it to one serving, guys.
Courtesy: menshealth.com
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1. Arch your back and pull the handle down to your collarbone
2. Now, keeping your hands where they are, slowly lean back so that your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Pull the bar to your chest (as in a row)
3. Return to the starting position by slowly raising your arms and torso up simultaneously.
That's one rep. Perform three sets of eight to 10 reps first thing in your upper-body workout. Between sets, rest 60-90 seconds.
While it may at first look like bad pulldown form and a sure backbreaker, this combo safely works every muscle in the back, accomplishing both of the back's main function and broadening it in every direction.
Courtesy: mensfitness.com
Here is a more thorough cure for the problem taken from http://www.ehow.com/
2. Know When To Take It Easy.
Your rectus abdominis, the large ab muscle, responds best to high-intensity training (doing tough exercises, not necessarily more reps). But if you hit it hard every day, the muscle will fatigue and you won't see results. Work your abs 2 or 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days.
3. Add The Bike To Your Ab Routine.
According to a study by the American Council on Exercise, the bicycle (lying faceup, bring right knee and left elbow toward each other, then switch sides) is the best waist-firming exercise because it uses every muscle in your abs.
4. Get On The Ball.
Prefer normal crunches? Doing them on a stability ball is more effective than doing them on the floor because your abs (and core) will have to work harder to stabilize your position and you're able to move through a larger range of motion.
5. Fire 'Em Up.
To engage the deepest muscles of your abs during any exercise—or just sitting at your desk throughout the day—try this: Inhale, then exhale and pull your bellybutton toward your spine, without hunching your shoulders forward—don't just suck in your belly.
Courtesy: Shape Magazine
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