Here are some steps that could be taken to get rid of the problem.
- Keep your feet as dry as possible
- Wear socks that are "breathable" like cotton or wool and dont limit yourself to wearing one per day
- Wear shower sandals in toilets or lockers to avoid contracting these bacterias
- Avoid from wearing plastic type insoles or fully covered shoes
- Wear different shoes each day or alternate usage of the same shoe within the week
- Rub your feet with anti-bacterial lotions or sprays
Here is a more thorough cure for the problem taken from http://www.ehow.com/
- First take care of your foot and even baby it a bit when you see the first signs of athlete's foot. Make sure to keep it uncovered and exposed to air and let it get constant rest. You do not want it to get worse or end up catching a bacterial infection.
- Next use soothing compresses to cool the athlete's foot infect and reduce the pain. Make sure that you do not itch it and that you keep it dry.
- Soak you foot in a mixture of 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt per pint of warm water for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. It will provide an unattractive environment for the fungus that cause athlete's foot. It will also soften the skin.
- Talk with your physician and consider getting over the counter athlete's foot medications to treat it and treat as recommended. Remember to continue treating after visible symptoms disappear until the medication container and physician say to stop.
- Try treating with aluminum chloride to kill the fungus and prevent regrowth of the fungus causing athlete's foot. Continue for a couple weeks after the infection disappears.
- Pay attention to your toenails and clean them.
- Prevent athlete's foot by wearing proper shoes that do not hold in moisture, changing shows often, keeping your feet dry and clean, letting your feet air, and changing socks often.
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