Below is Britney Spears' fitness regime:
1. She is into abdominal exercises of like 500 counts within a day.
2. She is into running for like 2 hours.
3. She is into eating frequently like 6 times small meals, and there is no major meal for her.
4. One of Britney Spears fitness regime is the breast feeding, since she just gave birth, breastfeeding helped her reduce 500 calories in a day. This greatly helped her lose weight.
5. She ate edamame beans, fresh fruits and vegetables, steamed fish, nuts, sea weeds salad, low fat yogurt, and the like.
6. She is into 60 minutes of interval training for 4 days in a week. The said training as part of Britney Spears fitness regime is weight and sprinting training.
7. After her pregnancy, she returned to work, even though it is not yet good for her to be back after giving birth. She is into training after a month slowly but surely on her way to a new life.
Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?
Courtesy: ezinearticles.com
Pictures Courtesy: Google
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